
 RTV 3373 Backpack Journalism 
As the journalism landscape evolves, the practice of “one-man-bands”-individual reporters/photogs, who shoot and edit their work, becomes more common. News outlets are also employing the services of a more mobile journalist, who can deliver news product in multiple formats; these contributors are called: VJs, Multimedia Journalists, Backpack Journalists, or Mobile Journalists. This course will cover the history, and the rise of this new breed, and it will require you to evolve into this new type of journalist through weekly, and sometimes daily reporting on deadline.

Class instructor
Ms. Susan Edens
Director of Broadcasting

Blog editor
Alejandro Córdoba

KUOZ Newsroom

Do you have any story to publish, or story ideas you would like us to follow?
Contact the blog editor, or the class instructor via the e-mail provided above, or call the KUOZ Newsroom.